The create account selection API call enables the merchant to create a bank account selection and use the Brite client to allow end users to authenticate and select a bank account.
The bank account is created in the Brite system and is commonly used together with withdrawals to make sure the withdrawal goes out to the correct bank account.
End users Bank accounts can also be created in Brite using the brite api method bank_account.create where the customer’s IBAN is provided.
Note: The bank account in Brite is just a place holder for the customers bank account where Brite keep the details of the customers bank account making sure the funds are transferred to the correct account during the withdrawal.
During the bank account selection session, a user account and bank account is created in Brite. To get the details and identifiers for these after the session is completed the session.get api method is used and getting the bank account details bank_account.list can be used.
As part of the integration make sure to save the session_id so that the details for the session can be retreived when needed from Brite using the API.
The following API calls are referenced here:
More information how to manage bank accounts in Brite is available here: BANK ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT