Error codes

A session/transaction is set to state Aborted if an error occurs within the payment flow. The error codes and the error messages shown in the client for the end user are explained in the table below. To make sure that the error messages from Brite are shown to the end user, they should not be redirected to another page immediately. Please note that these are updated on a regular basis.

Full error details can be fetched from the API by calling session.get or transaction.get.

Aborted state errors

Error codeError message in clientComment
psu_configuration_errorYour internet bank is not correctly configured, please log in manually first.The users account settings are set up in a way that does not allow them to use our service
psu_not_customerYou are not a customer at this bank.The user is not a customer at that particular bank
psu_no_fundsYour bank account has insufficent funds to perform this transaction.The user does not have enough money to complete the transaction
psu_disabled_bank_id_extended_useThe first time you pay with Swedbank you need to log in using your security token, or have Mobile BankID with extended use, which can be activated in the Internet bank or the Swedbank app, under “Other services” > “Mobile BankID”.Only occurs for Swedbank. The user does not have extented mobile bankID, which prevents them from adding Brite as a recipient.
generic_bank_errorThe bank is experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.The bank is experiencing technical issues
generic_user_errorThe bank is experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.
psu_logged_into_internet_bankYou are already logged in to your internet bank. Please log out and try again.The user is already logged in to their internet bank, either on mobile or web, which causes the transaction to abort
psu_abandoned_sessionYou waited too long and the session expired. Please try again.The user has not taken any action for a long period of time which causes the transaction to be aborted
psu_invalid_credentialsYour login credentials were rejected by the bank. Please try again.The user has entered invalid bank credentials.
psu_account_blockedYour account is blocked. Please contact bank.The user has a blocked account and can not complete the transaction
incomplete_kyc_information_from_ftnIncomplete information from FTN. Please contact your bank.
bank_rejected_transactionThe transaction was rejected by the bank.
psu_canceled_authenticationYour bank account has insufficient funds to perform this transaction.E.g. user pressed back in the Mobile BankID app
psu_simultaneous_attemptSeveral simultaneous identification/confirmation attempts. Please try again in a moment.
psu_no_eligible_accountsYou don’t have any available bank accounts.
merchant_approval_timeoutAn error occurred while connecting to the operator. Please try again.
psu_bank_id_disabledThere was an issue authenticating you with the bank. Please check that your Mobile BankID is enabled.
psu_authentication_errorThere was an issue authenticating you with the bank. Please check that your authentication device is active and working properly, and try again.
psu_rejected_exposure_limitYou have canceled the transaction.
psu_no_payable_accountsThis account is currently unavailable for payments.
selected_account_not_eligible_for_paymentThis bank account is not eligible for the payment. Please retry and select a different account.
psu_need_latest_bankid_versionYou need to have the latest version of BankID installed on your Android or iOS device.
psu_account_limit_exceededThe transaction amount exceeds the limit that you currently have set up with your bank.
risk_engine_rejectionThe transaction was rejected.
psu_need_other_authentication_methodCould not proceed with the chosen login method. Please try again with a different login method.
psu_ftn_disabledUse of FTN is not possible. Contact your bank.
psu_idin_disabledUse of iDIN is not possible. Contact your bank.
brite_technical_error_01There was a problem connecting to the bank. Please try again later.brite_technical_error_01 replaces old psu_missed_web_element in order to show a more generic name for this to merchants.
psu_simultaneous_attempt_cancel_loginSeveral simultaneous identification/confirmation attempts. Please, cancel the previous authentication attempt in your Mobile App or try again in a moment.
provider_technical_errorThe bank is experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.Klarna
psu_password_reset_requestedAn error occurred. Your bank requested to reset your password. Contact your bank.
psu_bank_configuration_requestedYour bank requires some configuration. Please, log in to your bank website or app before trying the payment again.
psu_not_authorized_consentYou are not authorized to give consent. This can be due to legal restrictions. For more information, please contact your bank.
expired_sessionIt looks like your session has expired. Please try again.
bank_check_transaction_status_failedAn error occurred. Please verify with your bank. If you were debited, your deposit will be processed shortly.
psu_attempted_to_use_other_bank_than_previouslyPlease try again using the last bank you deposited with.
psu_kyc_provider_disabledUse of identity service is not possible. Contact your bank.
psu_no_keycodes_leftYou have used up your key codes. Please contact your bank.
incomplete_kyc_information_from_kyc_providerIncomplete information from identity service. Please contact your bank.
bank_under_maintenanceBank is currently performing maintenance.
merchant_approval_rejectedThe transaction was rejected.
psu_must_update_contact_info_in_bankYour bank requires you to update your contact information. Please log in to your bank and follow the instructions. Then try again.
psu_internet_bank_agreement_missingYou are missing an internet banking agreement. Please select a different bank.
psu_insufficient_funds_all_accountsNone of your bank accounts have enough funds for this transaction. Please top up your accounts or select a different bank.
psu_insufficient_funds_selected_accountThe selected bank account doesn’t have enough funds for this transaction. Please select a different account or bank.
psu_invalid_credentials_or_2fa_codeYour credentials and/or response code are not valid. Please try again.
add_lithuania_as_payment_countryYour payment account is not configured to send payments to Lithuania. You can activate the necessary settings in your online banking portal.
add_sweden_as_payment_countryYour payment account is not configured to send payments to Sweden. You can activate the necessary settings in your online banking portal.
psu_manual_login_requiredYou have entered the wrong code several times. Please login to your internet bank manually.
code_expired_try_againThe code has expired. Please try again.
card_blocked_contact_bankYour card is blocked. Please contact your bank.
app_authentication_timeout_try_againThe notification in your app has expired. Please try again.
itsme_account_blockedYour itsme account has been blocked. Reactivate your account using the itsme app and then try again.
invalid_otp_try_againInvalid code. Please try again.
psu_manual_login_requiredYou have entered the wrong code several times. Please login to your internet bank manually.